Indicating terrible business conditions in some areas of panaji, some citizens like the domain investor cannot get anyone to do their home repairs at a reasonable rate. The local politicians or security agency employees are harassing any person who is doing the work and extorting a huge amount of money, which the repair person will demand from the domain investor.
This extortion racket has continued for the last ten years, and with no repairs, the house is falling apart.
Additionally the fraud husband pran of Panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is spraying water on the gate of the domain investor, making it rust and disintegrate at the hinges.
Since the domain investor cannot afford any more damage to the gate, she is now painting the gate and other metal parts of the house herself to reduce the damage caused by rusting, naina’s pet crows when it is not raining heavily